TENANCY APPLICATION Download Please note that the application above is in PDF Format. If you do not already have the free Acrobat Reader application installed on your computer, you will first need to download it before viewing this Tenancy Application. Tenancy Application Form Important Information - All applications need to include *proof of income *identification *current ledger *signed privacy statement - If your application is approved you will need to pay one weeks rent holding deposit - Please complete all sections of the application form. Incomplete applications will not be processed - Please complete an application for each adult who will be living in the property PROPERTY TO BE LEASED DETAILSAddress of Property to be leased:*Preferred Lease Start Date:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Length of Lease* Number of People to occupy the property:Adults*012345678910Children*012345678910Smokers*YESNOHow many smokers?*PERSONAL DETAILSTitle*MrMrsMissDrSurname* Given Names* Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Drivers Licence* Email* Phone* Applicant HistoryCurrent Address* How long have you lived at this address?* Why are you leaving?* Current Landlords/Agents Name & Phone* Weekly Rent Paid* Previous Address* How long did you live at this address* Landlords/Agents Name & Phone* Was the bond fully refunded? If not why?*EMPLOYMENT HISTORYCurrent Occupation* Employers Name* Employers Address* Contact Name & Phone Number* Length of Employment* Net Income* PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT DETAILSPrevious Occupation* Employers Name* Employers Address* Contact Name & Phone Number* Length of Employment* Net Income* Please attach 3 or more recent payslips* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB. OTHER INFORMATIONEMERGENCY CONTACT PERSONPLEASE PROVIDE A CONTACT PERSON IN CASE OF EMERGENCYName* Phone* Relationship to you* PERSONAL REFERENCESPLEASE PROVIDE 2 REFERNCES (NOT RELATED TO YOU)Name* Phone* Relationship to you* Name* Phone* Relationship to you* CAR REGISTRATIONMake/Model* Registration Number* PETS WE DO NOT ALLOW PETS INSIDE OUR RENTAL PROPERTIES. OUTSIDE PETS WILL BE CONSIDERED.* I confirm that our pets do not come inside the propertyBreed/Type* Age of pets Council Rego Number* Upload an image of your pet Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 64 MB. Click to view the Privacy Acknowledgement Application for TenancyPlease upload your identification or any other relevant documentation* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 10. Consent* By ticking this box I agree that all the information supplied is correct and I have read the Privacy Acknowledgement Application for TenancyApplicants Name* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Δ PRIVACY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR TENANCY Privacy Acknowledge Agreement for Tenancy The agent collects personal information about the prospective tenant (Applicant) from the applicant and other sources (including, but not limited to, tenancy reference databases referees, employers (current or former) and other agents) as a result of this application it also collects such information during any tenancy should the applicants be successful. The information collected is necessary for the agent to verify the applicant’s identity to process and evaluate the application to perform the agent’s obligation under or arising from its management agreement with the landlord and to manage the tenancy should the application be successful. Personal information collected about the applicant as a result of this application, or during any tenancy should the application be successful, may be used and disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected. Disclosure may be made to parties including, but not limited to, the landlord (whether in Australia or elsewhere) and their advisers, referees, employers, (current or former) other agents, third party operators of tenancy reference databases, government agencies, financial institutions and tradespeople. Information already held on tenancy reference database about the applicant may also be disclosed to and used by the agent and landlord. If the applicant enters into a residential tenancy agreement and if the applicant fails to comply with their obligations under that agreement, that fact and other relevant personal information about the applicant may also be disclosed to the landlord, third party operators of tenancy reference database may also be entered on the database. If information about the applicant is entered on the tenancy reference database, it could have an adverse effect on the applicant’s ability to obtain future rental accommodation. We may also use some information, such as the amount of the rent being paid for marketing purposes. Such information may be disclosed to landlords, prospective landlords tenants and prospective tenants. In order to process the applicant’s application it may necessary for the agent to contact the applicant’s referees or employer (either current or former). In the event the referee or employer declines to provide any information about the applicant to the agent for privacy reasons, the applicant hereby consents to the agent sending that person a copy of this notice. If the applicant would like to access the personal information the agent hold about them they can do so by contacting the agent at Shop 8 Albion St, Mittagong. Telephone (02) 4889 8555. If the information is not provided the agent may not be able to process the application, manage any tenancy (should one arise) or otherwise perform its obligations under any management agreement with the landlord.* By ticking this box I agree that I have read the Privacy Acknowledgement Application for Tenancy Applicants Name* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Δ MAINTENANCE REQUEST Your DetailsDate* DD slash MM slash YYYY Tenant's Name* First Tenant's Address* Email Address* Phone NumberMaintenance DetailsProperty Manager* Requested Repairs* Δ VACATE NOTICE Tenant's Name(s)* First Tenant's Address* Contact NumberEmail Address* Vacating Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY Are you breaking your lease?* Yes No Reason for Notice*Forwarding Address* Δ